Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ed Roberts Space interaction_Interface Group

Cardboard model mockup within the Ed Roberts building. The cardboard model is located near the meeting rooms and the red rotunda.
Cardboard model near the meeting rooms and the red rotunda.
A student is standing to the right of the cardboard model within the Ed Roberts Building.
Student standing next to cardboard model for size reference.
The image displays the lounge area of the Ed Roberts building facing towards the meeting rooms and having the red rotunda to the right. In the distance is a girl standing to the left of the cardboard model.
Lounge area inside the Ed Roberts building with the cardboard model within the space.
The image is facing towards the hallway leading to the parking lot within the Ed Roberts building. In the distance is a cardboard model with a girl standing beside it.
Lounge area facing parking lot inside the Ed Roberts building and cardboard model within the space.

Cardboard model is standing inside the Ed Roberts building's lounge area.
Cardboard model within the Ed Roberts building.
The cardboard model is standing inside the center space of the red rotunda.
Cardboard model within the space inside the rotunda.

Within the rotunda's space with the cardboard model towards the entrance.
Within the rotunda's space with the cardboard model towards the entrance.
The image is facing towards the meeting rooms of the Ed Roberts building and the cardboard model is standing within the space.
Cardboard model within the lounge area of the Ed Roberts Building.

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